Zvia Art corner

Zvia Art corner
פינת ליטוף יצירות /Zvia Art corner

יום שלישי, 12 בדצמבר 2017

November mma challenge -Mysterious

"November mma challenge "Mysterious



Another challenge I decided to participate 
This very specific challenge fascinated me
 and aside from the mood board of the challenge
 I chose a picture that would inspire me
 and i combined it into the work itself
I chose the background deliberately to leave alot of white
 even though the subject  is mysterious because I wanted 
to have a lot of contrast between the mysterious colors
 and the bright part
This mood board colors are my favorite colors and combinations
I added metals, bandage cloth, prima flowers
 linen hairs, and other various materials
Some of the materials in one of the pictures
Hope this meets the challenge
With pleasure and fun

I hope you'll like it

have a nice week!