Zvia Art corner

Zvia Art corner
פינת ליטוף יצירות /Zvia Art corner

יום שלישי, 23 באוקטובר 2018



When nothing is sure"
"Everything is possible

Last creation to challenge

You are invited to click on the pictures to enlarge them

The final version of the piece

Clicking on the banner will link to the challenge

 this week I underwent a kind of metamorphosis and

 transformation in my body

.With great impact on future life

 And like me, this work has also undergone a metamorphosis
 and  transformation

Because I changed the piece several times
I decided this time not to  write or photograph the amount of materials I invested in this piece
This is a huge amount of materials

One thing is certain
 I really did not hurry up 
and did not underestimate this work

In fact, as always
 I make an effort to create
 and recently it really does not come easy to me at all

 final versions  close-ups

Just before the final version

Second version of the piece

After the first version I put a layer
of black gesso over everything
 The image above is the result later

below it's the first version

Some pictures from the initial process of the first version

I very much hope it's understandable
 that this is the same piece
That I simply changed several times 
to the final result that includes the captions

Thank you for stopping by

בגדול , השבוע עברתי סוג של מטמורפוזה וטרנספורמציה בגוף שלי 
עם השפעה גדולה לחיים העתידים שלי ולשיפורם , זה לא היה קל .
וכמוני גם היצירה הזאת עברה מטמורפוזה וטרנספורמציה 
בגלל ששיניתי את היצירה כמה פעמים 
החלטתי הפעם  לא לרשום וללא לצלם את כמות החומרים שהשקעתי ביצירה הזאת 
כי רשימת החומרים  ענקית!!!!!
דבר אחד בטוח , ממש ממש לא הזדרזתי ולא זלזלתי ביצירה הזאת ...
למעשה כמו תמיד אני משקיעה מאמץ ליצור ולאחרונה זה ממש  לא בא לי בקלות .
תודה שעברתם בבלוג 

יום ראשון, 7 באוקטובר 2018

A new creation for two challenges

A new creation for two challenges




September challenge - Journey

On the MIXED MEDID & art blog

By clicking on the images
 you can enlarge them to the maximum size

Click  the banners to reach the challenge blogs

As for Muse, I must say that for me it is different
There is the famous aphorism 
"When the cannons roar the muses are silent"
So for me it's the opposite
During an emotional, mental, physical storm
 I am in a place where I have the most Muse
The muse comes from all kinds of things 
that happen in our lives
At the level of principle, I am a person 
who is mainly operated by muses
If I do not feel like doing anything,
 chances are I will not do 

What is good about the muses 
is that when they appear
  They take all the goodness out of me
 with all my heart and intentions

This time I was inspired by the two inspiration boards 
of the challenges
The colors are quite similar and I used motifs 
according to what was asked in the challenges
I decided not to add captions this time 
and let your imagination do the trick
I collected and used many natural materials around
 my house in this piece
The colors are autumn colors 
and the girl in the picture looks at the grandpa's flowers
Just like this season
(The picture is obviously allowed from the network)
Life is our greatest journey

Some of the materials appear in this image

Pictures from different angles

A few more pictures from the process


Hope you liked it
Hope that meets the conditions of both challenges
Thank you for stopping by
 Have A Wonderful week