Zvia Art corner

Zvia Art corner
פינת ליטוף יצירות /Zvia Art corner

יום שבת, 11 בינואר 2020

January Challenge - mixed media academy

January Challenge

mixed media academy
Dancing the Spring / Bringing the Spring Home

Very happy to participate in the January challenge
  Last time I didn't notic Greeting cards are not allowed in the challenge
This time I read the instructions properly
This year, this winter has not been easy and a flood 
that almost occurred in my home dictated a blue mood for me
(Although I love blue, I don't enjoy winter)
So when I saw the vibrant, happy colors of the challenge
 I was really excited and delighted
I was very impressed with the team’s inspirational works
And I decided that, unlike this winter,
 where I stayed mostly to cuddle at home
I will make a happy and colorful piece
 that symbolizes spring dance
And getting the spring into the house
I used all the challenge colors + white
The work has   number of techniques
Starting with the decopage 'modelling paste with Lindy's shakers
Overlays of layers of paper die cutting, chipboard cut's
Moalds with do and dry ,flowers
 wooden ballet dancer decorated with different layers
Hope you liked it
Good luck to all participants
Have a wonderful month
 Thanks for passing by

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