Zvia Art corner

Zvia Art corner
פינת ליטוף יצירות /Zvia Art corner

יום שישי, 17 באוגוסט 2018

It's all a matter of perspective -AUGUST PLAY - BE AUTHENTIC

"It's all a matter of perspective"
New Notebook Art Journal

Click on the banner to reach the challenge blog

A new creation especially for the challenge
I dont think I could be more authentic than I am in this piece
Certainly the tips helped ... especially the tip
 to take a chance and not be afraid to make a mistake

I think this time I'll give the pictures and the piece to speak for me

Just will say at first that I've been drawing  since I was a child
And from there actually flows every piece I have ever created

...And I'll just add that when I finished this piece I cried
  And writing these words brings tears to my eyes

I had a week with mixed feelings 
And in that piece I gave myself away completely

I hope you'll like it

Anyway, whatever
It's enough for me that I'm just in love with it completely
Thank you for stopping by
A good weekend for all of you

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